about us

We are a team of dreamers, doers, and dream-doers. With more than 40 combined years experience in events, livestreaming, pop culture, and making weird shit happen, we are dedicated to connecting the world through fun activities, uplifting classes, and incremental altruism. Any amount of enthusiasm or participation in the experiment that we are calling Momentus is welcome.



    This biography was written by a drunken AI Bot: Charlie Capen is a man of many talents, but his greatest skill is making people feel things. From a young age, he was always cracking jokes and writing beat poetry. But as he got older, he realized that his talents could be put to good use in the professional world. He wanted to bring his unique brand of humor and weirdness to the masses. He lives somewhere in the hills nestled in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife and kids.



    From the PAX series of video game festivals to the world's largest scavenger hunt, Kristin has spent most of her 20-plus-year career playing games and being nonsense-adjacent. She brings her vast event production skills and brutally unforgiving photographic memory to Momentus in the form of our Chief Ambience Officer. We almost called her "Chief Good-Vibes-Only Officer," but we didn't want to make it weird.



    Customer support for our community members (we call them Momentos) might be tricky but we have just the sentient being for the job! Is it a human? An animal? A mythical creature whose image will surely thrill and terrify you? We have no idea! Please be kind to them when they arrive for they know not what they've done by agreeing to do this job...